Maybe you’ve noticed a regression in your lovemaking, don’t worry. What you need are some practical tips to help you get out of this situation and find satisfaction again. That’s what this article is all about.
To make love properly follow this
Sex is really about sharing sexual pleasure with your partner. Real sex should normally result in pleasure and if you feel the opposite, there is a problem. That’s why it’s so important to make sure your partner feels the same pleasure as you do.
While you are in the middle of a sexual act, each partner must necessarily be involved. That said, you must use your senses such as your eyes, ears, nose, tongue and limbs. What is important to know is the fact that there are certain elements that play major roles in sexuality. It is about tenderness, caresses as well as softness. It is not actually about having the idea of making love properly or that you reach orgasm, but the most important thing is to make sure that your instances of intercourse go well and that everyone is satisfied.
Surrender to your partner for successful sex
You want your sex to be a complete success, that’s fine, then you have a big role to play. You must leave yourself completely to your partner without constraint. This is how you will discover the pleasure you are looking for. So you need the communication that will allow you to get ready for sex. Remember that during sex and even afterwards, communication must continue.
One last thing you need to know is that even without penetration, you can still have successful sex if your goal is to feel pleasure. Then you can choose to stop at just the excitement stage. It’s also possible to go all the way to penetration if your partner wishes.